Work in progress
This page includes stuff that I want to do. Not everything here will be done, but it’s a good place to keep track of my thoughts and ideas.
With deadlines
- ReactNext - register CFP Deadline 15 february 2025. Can talk about AI, 3D, Next, Tanstack Start, SolidJS…
- Google AI competition with MBL Deadline Feb 4, 2025 @ 5:00pm
Unfinished small projects
- Design engineer tutorial - reflecting JHey’s codepen Popover Nav Bar
- Sky Roads - finish this project, polish and publish it
- My portfolio 3D - finish it and publish it. Play with my character, see my projects in 3D like bruno simon.
- Pitkiyot mobile app, and maybe convert to tanstack start
- Tierlist - finish the project and publish it
- The sky is the limit - gratitude’s app - and it will be send to the clouds and you can see other’s and AI can respond on some of them.
- manirify-extension - publish to store, make sure AI works, and add more features.
Libraries maintenance
- obsidian-slidev - publish it to the store
- ESLint plugin sort-export-all - upgrade to ESLint flat config
- My ESLint config - maybe instead of fork antfu - just add it as a dep. Make sure to use my ESLint rule with my plugins sort destructure keys, and default import name.
New projects
- MemoryGame Pro version — try to charge money for it and develop more features
- Add a place to just mention cool stuff I like - libs, tweets, etc. Maybe I can just tweet more? Maybe create a system to help me handle it? Use AI to find the data, and feed it from multiple sources - Github, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Articles. And it will be able to do something like Mailbrew but with AI search and more focused on my needs. Personalized feed. Personalized search. Organize data.
- Use transformers.js to do realtime ai like and
- Something like typefully with
Reverse engineering projects
Try tools
- Want to try screenpipe again -
Libraries I want to try
- BetterAuth
- Tanstack Start
- Transformers.js
- BaseUI - as a replacement to radix-ui
- Partykit / liveblocks
- Pusher - maybe in Pitkiyot
- Brista
- i18n paraglidejs and try to do auto translate with AI and use better ESLint tools and IDE plugins. Write an article about it afterwards
- Jazz - build local-first apps (learn everything uses it)
- by Emil Kowalski Design Engineer
- Tailwind v3
- New CSS Features
- View transitions
- Anchor position
- Scroll
- Animation API
- Houdini stuff
- Learn how to create all JHey stuff
- Blender
- Rust
Cool stuff copy paste
- Make
- Update Uses page
- Update About page
- Add talks videos and sections
- Auto last modified date
- Antfu’s auto generate og-image
- Fix favicon sometimes not showing?
- Add for tools ui like apple menubar that shoes my menubar
- Some enchantments like antfu’s MarkdownItMagicLink here
YouTube live
- Show how I use my tools